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WARNING:If You Have Had Food Anytime Soon Then Please Do Not Read This Post

Let me clarify a few things upfront: I did not go and find this blog. I saw it at one of the forums on a warez site.

What is this blog all about then?
Well in the words of the guy who runs this djodaman,"This blog is dedicated to my feces - okay, my shit. I will post everyday, or whenever I happen to take a dump, the picture of it with some analysis of what I ate the day before, and together we'll try to analyze the color, texture and size. I hope you enjoy it... Or not."

Ahem that should tell you something. He actually takes pictures of all that and posts it. With full blown descriptions. The funniest part is that he actually has adsense on his blog. I wonder what kind of ads Google displays for a topic like that.

Somebody must ban people like these from eating food. If after doing all this you still want to visit that blog, click here. Dont tell me i did not warn you.


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